And I’m so excited that you’re here!

My truest desire is to stoke the flame of your dream life. I’ve always dreamt of a self designed and curated life, and ever since I started my tiny house journey, I have been falling deeper into the life I always desired. When I started designing my tiny home that would become the Slacker 27 Special, I knew I’d have to scheme and hack to scrape together the resources I needed to make that dream a reality. And with my Slacker Scott “not lazy, not cheap; efficient, and thrifty” mindset I was able to pull off an amazing solo build, which has been the most fulfilling work I have ever done.

Nothing would bring me more joy than to help you scheme and hack your dreams into reality, whether that is through coaching, design work, building services, or a tandem teaching build! I love to chitter chatter, so let’s hop on a call and meet!

All the bestestestest,