Tiny House Designs
for Big Dreamers
Custom Tiny Houses
Founded in 2021, Slacker Scott is dedicated to making long-term, highly livable tiny housing more accessible! From custom tiny homes built for you to plans, courses, and building mentorships, the focus has always been on using the resources on hand to create the best possible solutions.
What we do
We do great design at economy pricing. Homes are designed with life-long tiny-living in mind. Our pricing strike a balance with accessibility, quality, and comfort.
Pricing from $175/sqft.
Learn construction skills while you build your very own tiny house alongside Slacker Scott. We will co-build and teach you along the way.
Co-builds from $200/sqft.
You focus on the build, we’ll handle the design. Replicate our existing builds through our resources, or have Slacker Scott design a custom build for you.
Custom Design from $450
Shop existing plans here!
Sometimes you need an experienced sounding board, a brainstorming buddy, or an encouraging coach. Get support from Slacker Scott and keep your tiny journey moving forward.
Sessions from $80/hr
Hi, I’m Scott
and I think your dream life starts with home.
I’ve always dreamt of a self-designed and thoughtfully curated life, and I’ve been finding that dream life along my tiny home journey. When I got started, I knew I’d have to scheme and hack to scrape together the resources to make that dream a reality. And with my Slacker Scott “not lazy, not cheap; efficient, and thrifty” mindset I was able to pull it off!
Nothing would bring me more joy than to help you scheme and hack your dreams into reality, whether that is through building services, coaching, design work, or a tandem teaching build!
Book a Complimentary
Exploration Call
I love to chitter chatter, so let’s hop on a call and connect!